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Padre Pio Foundation

This site is dedicated to the life and work of Padre Pio.

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Padre Pio's Prayers

Padre Pio's Rosary
Padre Pio the Saint
Padre Pio's Relics 
Padre Pio's Miracles

Padre Pio's Bio

Padre Pio's Knowledge
Padre Pio's Spiritual Life
Padre Pio exhumed
Padre Pio Said
Padre Pio Quotes
Padre Pio The path less taken
St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Padre Pio Pictures
Padre Pio bilocation
Padre Pio Healing
Padre Pio Supernatural
Padre Pio Perfumes
Padre Pio Levitation
Padre Pio Apparition
Padre Pio Guardian Angel
Padre Pio and the Devil
Padre Pio Confession
Padre Pio Pio of Pietrelcina
Padre Pio Little Known Stories
Padre Pio Sanctuary
Padre Pio Tales of Mystery
Padre Pio Bring my Weapon
Padre Pio's Love for Mary
Padre Pio Journey to Holiness
Padre Pio in the Modern Age
Padre Pio Purgatory
Padre Pio the Saint
Padre Pio Priest and Victim
The Ten Commandments





Padre Pio

Padre Pio is now Saint Padre Pio. Padre Pio was canonized by Pope John Paul II on June 16, 2002. For many years in the past, thousands of people have climbed up the mountain path in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, to visitthe great Padre Pio, or at least see Padre Pio, the famous stigmatized Capuchin monk. Padre Pio was the first priest in the history of the Catholic Church to bear the holy wounds of Jesus Christ.

Padre Pio was born in the village of Pietrelcina, Italy, on May 25, 1887. Padre Pio's parents gave him the name of Francesco Forgione. There were eight children in total, three of whom died in infancy. Padre Pio's parents were simple hard working farmers. They were so poor, that Padre Pio's father Orazio went to the United States twice, in order to be able to provide for his family and earn enough money to educate Padre Pio for the priesthood.

As a child, Padre Pio avoided the company of other children, and did not take part in their games. Padre Pio had a great horror of sin and cried when he heard anyone blaspheming, or taking God’s name in vain. Even when Padre Pio was seven years old, Padre Pio could tell if somebody was in the state of sin. From the time Padre Pio was a child, Padre Pio would often think about the things of God and keep himself recollected.









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St Padre Pio Novena -A Novena to Saint Padre Pio seeking his intercession for a special grace. Day 1 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Oh holy Saint Padre Pio, throughout your entire life you sought always to love Jesus and Mary with your whole heart. Help us that we too may always seek to know, love and serve God with all of our hearts, and help us to seek His holy will in all things. And for the love of God we ask the following grace (mention your request). Beloved St Padre Pio, we give this request to you, seeking your heavenly intercession, and we ask you to make this request in our name before the throne of God. Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! Padre Pio DAY 2 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Oh beloved Saint of God, Padre Pio, you were especially chosen by God to bear the holy stigmata in union with Jesus for 50 years, sacrificing and suffering all for the conversion of souls. What intense suffering these holy wounds caused you! But your bore this constant pain for the love of God and for the love of souls. We ask you to place this request (mention request) into your stigmatised hands, and present it to Jesus in our name. -Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! DAY 3 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Oh most loving Saint Padre Pio, you offered your life to become a holy priest of God, giving yourself completely to Jesus through the intercession of His Mother, the most Blessed Virgin Mary. We ask you to join with our holy Mother in heaven, and to present this request to Her holy Son, (here mention request), and we ask our beloved Mother in heaven to join you and obtain this grace for us. Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! DAY 4 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Oh blessed Saint Padre Pio, you were a priest after the Heart of Jesus, seeking always to love and please Him in all things. We ask you to place this request before the Sacred Heart of Jesus (mention request). And through the love that you bore the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may God hear and answer our poor prayers. Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! Padre Pio DAY 5 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. O God, Who fashioned thy servant Saint Padre Pio into a likeness of Thy Crucified Son, grant us through his intercession the favor that we humbly request (mention request), and through the Passion Death and Resurrection of Thy Son, may we be united with You for all eternity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! DAY 6 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Most devout priest of God, Padre Pio, you spent countless hours in the confessional seeking always to reconcile sinners to God. We present ourselves to you, sinful and in sorrow for our sins. Help us to recognise and repent of our sins, and to be always faithful to the teachings of Jesus. Pray for us that God may not look upon our sins, but upon the desire in our hearts to please Him. Plead for mercy for us before God, and especially pray for the intention that we are presenting to you (mention request). Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! DAY 7 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Beloved St Padre Pio, you had a most tender devotion to the Mother of God and were known to recite many rosaries and prayers in Her honor each day. Plead for us then before the Holy Mother of God, that She may join us in prayer before Her most Holy Son Jesus, that we might obtain the request we are asking (mention request). Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! Padre Pio DAY 8 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Oh most pure and chaste Saint Padre Pio, during your life on earth you gave a most beautiful example of purity and love of God, and was found worthy to bear in thy flesh the marks of our Lord's Passion. Have pity on us who are so much in need of God's Mercy, and obtain for us through thy merits and intercession, the special favor which we now fervently implore (mention request). Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! DAY 9 Preface: Oh most Holy God, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Infinite Majesty, and we adore Thee and dedicate to Thy glory the devout prayers which we now present to Thee, as an act of devotion to your servant, St Padre Pio, whose intercession we are now imploring. Oh most loving Saint Padre Pio, you were very devout in the service of God, always encouraging others to obey God's laws and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Obtain for us, we beg you, not only the grace that we are asking, if it would be God’s will (mention request) but most importantly obtain for us the conversion and salvation of our souls, so that someday we may be united with Jesus, Mary and you for all eternity. Finally, help us to accept God's will in all things, even if it runs contrary to our own likes or desires. Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be... May God hear and answer our prayer according to His holy will and for His greater glory. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN. + -St Padre Pio, pray for us! "Prayer is the best weapon that we have. It is the key that opens the Heart of God." -St Padre Pio St Padre Pio & St Gemma combo relic locket rosary Saints Pio & Gemma combo rosary-- front and back For those interested, the St Padre Pio & St Gemma Galgani relic locket rosary offer is here. Those devoted to St Gemma will be happy to know that the extraordianary Saint Padre Pio was himself devoted to Saint Gemma. He had read her biography and many of her writings and he at times would exort people to pray to her, encouraging them to seek her holy intercession. In fact there is even a book written about the holy friendship between Padre Pio and Gemma-



Please help the Padre Pio foundation in this world of pain and hunger Please donate, all donations are tax deductible. Thank you.


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Padre Pio the Saint| Padre Pio's Relics | Padre Pio's Miracles | Padre Pio's Bio

 Padre Pio's Knowledge | Padre Pio's Spiritual Life | Padre Pio exhumed

Padre Pio said | Padre Pio Quotes| Padre Pio The path less taken| St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Padre Pio Pictures | Padre Pio bilocation | Padre Pio Healing

Padre Pio Supernatural  | Padre Pio Perfumes | Padre Pio Levitation

Padre Pio Apparition | Padre Pio Guardian Angel | Padre Pio and the Devil

Padre Pio Confession |Padre Pio Pio of Pietrelcina | Padre Pio Little Known Stories

Padre Pio Sanctuary | Padre Pio Tales of Mystery Padre Pio Bring my Weapon

Padre Pio's Love for Mary | Padre Pio Journey to Holiness | Padre Pio in the Modern Age

Padre Pio Purgatory | Padre Pio the Saint | Padre Pio Priest and Victim | The Ten Commandments


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Padre Pio Welcome to the Padre Pio Foundation.